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Tracks II, Lost albums...

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On en reparle sur BTX pour une potentielle sortie hivernale. C'est un peu l'arlésienne. On verra bien (ou rien).

Par contre, un contributeur en a profité pour donner des indications sur une série de titres apparaissant sur la version initiale de Tracks en 1998 (6 disques réduit finalement à 4 dont je crois avoir posté les photos il y a de nombreux mois).

C'est intéressant.

While we are waiting for a T2 official announcement, let's revisit the leadup to Tracks...

I've seen photos of the 6 disc CD samplers that Bruce sent a Sony exec 5 months before the 4 disc version of Tracks was released. The tracklists are typed on the back of the CD, but it looks like Bruce had already drawn lines with a dark marker of the songs he had already eliminated from consideration. I assume the songs were still on the CDs though so the exec would've been able to hear those as well. The time listed for disc 6 is 56:37. The date listed is 6/04/98. At the top it is listed as CD^v1.1. The commentary beside each track is my own. I'm going to break the tracklist up into 3 different post to make it easier to read.

6.01 All the Way Home - brucebase says this song was written in 1990-91. Most of us are familiar with the Southside Johnny version, Bruce had one of his own. A different version ended up on the Devils & Dust album in 2004.
6.02 Long Time Comin (version 2) - That's how it reads on the CD. Seems that it may have been recorded in '97, then more parts added in early '98. The version officially released on Devils had added Steve Jordan on drums, Brendan O'Brien on bass guitar.
6.03 Indian Town - I have mentioned this song earlier in this thread. It isn't listed on brucebase at all, but it almost has to be an unreleased song from the '95 country album as part of the "daylight sessions" This one seemed like a lock for T2.
6.04 Cynthia (version 2) - Cynthia was supposed to be on Tracks twice, both the E Street version on disc 3 and then again in maybe more of a Waylon Jennings type arrangement(the way I imagine it sounding) on the '95 country album.

.05 Under a Big Sky - This was another unreleased BITUSA outtake (Under the Big Sky) that was reworked into a different arrangement for the country record. No indication that the E Street version was ever considered for the 6 disc Tracks format.
6.06 Repo Man - Another released song that I've referenced a few pages back on this thread. Must be another song written for the "daylight sessions" country record. I expect to see it on T2 as part of either the 4th or 5th album in the box.
6.07 The Honeymooners - Bruce marked through this title but still readable. No idea why TOL outtakes (more to follow) were positioned on disc 6 when they eventually got locked into rough chronological order on the end of disc 3 where they belonged.
6.08 Big News (In a Small Town) - Again, another song that seems to be from the '95 country album. Even has a very country title. Hopefully will be released on T2.
6.09 Dumb Not Blind - Other than the weird positioning of the TOL outtake, this seems to be right in the '95 country territory.
6.10 Silver Mountain - Another title was a sort of rural country feel. There is a song that may be from "the album set largely in the west called "Black Mountain Ballad." Wonder if they both make it onto T2 on 2 different albums.

6.11 Tiger Rose - This is why I'm convinced that these tracks are from the 95 country album. This song was released by rockabilly legend Sonny Burgess on an album produced by Garry Tallent. Tallent was the bass player for the '95 "daylight sessions."
6.12 Janie, Don't Lose Heart - This isn't listed as a V2 here but it has to be because V1 was part of this sampler on disc 3. On both versions on the sampler CD photo "Janey" is misspelled as "Janie."
6.13 The Wish - Another TOL outtake that would eventually get moved to the end of disc 3 where it belonged all along.
6.14 Brothers Under the Bridge - This one isn't marked as '95 as it would be on the released box. The song was moved to the last song on disc 4 and the entire box. The E Street song with the same name also shows up on disc 3 on this sampler.
6.15 When You Need Me - Another out-of-place TOL outtake that would be moved to disc 3 on the final version
6.16 I'm All Done - This is another title that has been marked through. Was at one time going to be the last song on the 6 disc version of the box, which works well with the title. Probably another song from the '95 country album, I'm guessing.
.02 Drop Down and Cover Me - Don't know if this was the long uncirculating version or the widely bootlegged version. One of his most beloved unreleased songs. Maybe it makes it on T3.
3.17 Diddly - I think this might be the same as Bo Diddley, another unreleased and uncirculating song known from studio logs. This might be the final BITUSA outtake on disc 3.
3.18 Rain (In the Pourin) - These 3 songs that were positioned at the very end of the disc may be the unreleased Bruce holy grail for me. TOL is my fave Bruce album, and they may be the west coast sessions from May-July '87 that have always been shrouded in mystery. Some of the songs may have been done in the east coast sessions style - Bruce working alone and bringing in (mostly) E Street musicians to augment the songs. Or the songs may have the hardcore country musicians that he worked with during that period. Or a combination of both.
3.19 Don't Go Givin Up - While brucebase has clearly seen the same photos I have, they don't have this song listed at all. Nor do they have the unreleased "day sessions" songs on disc 6 listed. Not sure why. In '95 Bruce told interviewer Molly Meldrum that he had nearly a full album's worth of material from the west coast sessions. Are these songs part of what he was talking about?
3.20 Monkey Girl - This is what brucebase says about this song, which they have listed in the TOL section:
MONKEY GIRL uncirculating
Note: A song titled "Monkey Girl" was included on a six-CD internal sampler of Tracks from June 1998 alongside two other songs, presumably all dated from the same period. Since Tracks is arranged mostly chronologically we can assume with reasonable confidence that these songs are dated to the period between the conclusion of the Born In The USA Tour in October 1985, and the release of Tunnel Of Love in 1987. Unfortunately "Monkey Girl" was dropped for the final version of Tracks, and no further information is known.
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A prendre avec de très longues pincettes... ce "serait" le track listing des 5 albums. Certains titres sont connus d'autres noms. Ca ressemble à un "hoax"..


Disc 1: The Lonesome Highway

1. Startin' Something
2. St. Patrick's Day
3. 100 Miles From Jackson
4. Glory Road
5. The Lonesome Highway
6. Dinner At Eight
7. Blue Balls
8. Protection
9. Walkin' Through Midnight

Disc 2: Waiting On The End Of The World

1. Father's Day
2. Waiting On The End Of The World
3. Rodney
4. Secret Garden
5. Welcome To The New World Order
6. All The Way Home
7. Don't Cross That Line
8. One False Move (Is All It Takes)
9. Dirty Ground
10. Platoon
11. Vision Spirit

Disc 3: Blindspot

1. Blindspot
2. I Came Down
3. Between Heaven and Earth
4. Missing
5. Nothing Man
6. When The Curtains Are Drawn
7. Spilled Milk
8. In My Father's Arms
9. Guns At Dawn
10. Putrid Scum
11. Dark And Bloody Ground
12. Come Into My Arms

Disc 4: Silver Mountain

1. Tiger Rose
2. Beneath The Floodline
3. Silver Mountain
4. Indian Town
5. Cynthia
6. Indian Town
7. El Camino
8. Blood n Steel
9. The Valley Of Shadow And Death
10. Pilgrim In The Temple Of Love

Disc 5: Hard Drive

1. Hard Drive
2. Further On Up The Road
3. Idiot's Delight
4. Another Thin Line
5. Code Of Silence
6. Show Me The Way
7. Circuit Breaker
8. The Land Of Hope And Dreams


Damn it ! Si ce tracklisting trop beau pour être vrai est authentique, ce coffret laisserait encore de côté un paquet de titres connus et jamais sortis… de quoi faire encore un coffret ?!

On n’a toujours pas d’indications de date de sortie ? Ni le titre du coffret ?

Non, pas de titre ni de date de sortie.

S'il y a une sortie en novembre, on devrait en entendre un peu plus dans les toutes prochaines semaines.

"Tracks II" est sans doute une manière trompeuse de désigner ce qui pourrait être un coffret d'albums inédits ou de sessions laissés en cours de route. Par exemple, il y a certain nombre de titres de 2000/2001 enregistrés avec le ESB (dont les inédits de la fin de tournée 2000 : America Skin, Code of Silence, Further..) dont certains finiront The Rising (Further). Cet album abandonné et non fini pourrait en être.

Il reste des inédits disparates sauf sur BIUSA où le stock est peut être plus important. Mais ça restera sous le coude jusqu'à la sortie d'un coffret "82-85"... si une telle chose voit le jour.



Oui tu as raison, la plupart des inédits auxquels je pense sont de cette période 82/84 qui n’est donc pas concernée par ce coffret (pas encore) annoncé. Dans tous les cas, très curieux d’en savoir plus !

Curiosité partagée!

Cette "liste" semble plus tenir de la supercherie qu'autre chose. Mais certains titres font partie des "inédits" retracés (via le dépôt à la Bibliothèque du Congrès à Wash, DC).

Après Tracks, les coffrets Darkness et River sans oublier le disque "bonus" de The Essential et les quelques titres utilisés sur Letter To You, il est plus que probable qu'il ne reste pas grand chose en ce qui concerne les sessions des albums "parus". Sauf pour la période 82/84 : entre les titres de la "K7" originelle d'où Nebraska est tirée, et les différentes sessions pour BIUSA, il y a de quoi faire.

Pour le reste, quelques titres du tout début de carrière.. puis tout ce qui ce devrait se trouver dans ces "Lost Albums"..


Apparemment pas de coffret Tracks II, ni autre, à mettre sous le sapin... Dommage.

Le monde se divise en deux catégories ...

Pour agrémenter le sapin, il faudra s'en remettre à une sortie Live archive (vers le 23-24...).


Et pourtant il aurait eu largement le temps de s'en occuper pendant son petit "Arrêt Maladie" ;o)

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