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Divers Springsteen…

Hier soir dans le New Jersey, il y a eu une petite soirée avec Tom Zimny et Max W.

Voici la liste des vidéos présentées :

These were the seven clips that were shown:

1. “Then She Kissed Me” (The Crystals cover) from concert at The Bottom Line in New York, 1975.
2. “Jungleland” (recording studio footage), 1975
3. “When You Dance” (song co-written by Springsteen and Steven Van Zandt and later recorded by Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976
4. “Raise Your Hand” (Eddie Floyd cover, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976
5. “Cadillac Ranch” from concert at Slane Castle in Ireland, 1985
6. “Carol” (Chuck Berry cover) from concert at Monmouth Arts Center in Red Bank, 1976
7. “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” from concert at The Bottom Line in New York, 1975"

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Je ne connaissais pas..

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Citation de Fabrice le 29 septembre 2024, 19 h 52 min

Hier soir dans le New Jersey, il y a eu une petite soirée avec Tom Zimny et Max W.

Voici la liste des vidéos présentées :

These were the seven clips that were shown:

1. “Then She Kissed Me” (The Crystals cover) from concert at The Bottom Line in New York, 1975.
2. “Jungleland” (recording studio footage), 1975
3. “When You Dance” (song co-written by Springsteen and Steven Van Zandt and later recorded by Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976
4. “Raise Your Hand” (Eddie Floyd cover, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976
5. “Cadillac Ranch” from concert at Slane Castle in Ireland, 1985
6. “Carol” (Chuck Berry cover) from concert at Monmouth Arts Center in Red Bank, 1976
7. “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” from concert at The Bottom Line in New York, 1975"

1. “Then She Kissed Me” 1975 Bottom Line. This was great. The single camera was not ideal, but it is what it is. Seeing the band at the bottom line was magical. Although we’ve heard the shows, seeing it was a whole different thing. Sound was good, if not perfect, but these videos need to be out next year for the anniversary.
2. “Jungleland” (recording studio footage), 1975 - this was fun. Jumped around a bunch (staring and restopping the song) but the footage and the passion in Bruce’s delivery of the vocals was amazing. At the end of the clip, after the second or third aborted vocal take, Bruce looks directly at the camera and tells Barry: “Barry, you can’t be doing that while I’m trying yo do this”
3. “When You Dance” (song co-written by Springsteen and Steven Van Zandt and later recorded by Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976 - this footage (and the next clip of Raise Your Hand) were so much fun. A shirtless Bruce leading the band through rehearsal. The performance was a mix of relaxed, intense and passionate energy. The fun they were having in these two songs, particularly in Raise Your Hand, was just so joyous to watch. Outside of save your live being on the Promise, it is astounding why these were omitted while that was included on the box. Not that I’m unhappy with it being there, of course.
4. “Raise Your Hand” (Eddie Floyd cover, rehearsal footage from Springsteen’s home in Holmdel), 1976
5. “Cadillac Ranch” from concert at Slane Castle in Ireland, 1985. This clip was absolutely stunning. Multi cameras, great coverage of the band. In chatting with Flynn it seems this may be the video screen footage, but if the have this show in this quality (or a selection of it) it should be out. Seeing stuff like this, makes it even more infuriating that no Born in the USA box was put out.
6. “Carol” (Chuck Berry cover) from concert at Monmouth Arts Center in Red Bank, 1976. This was a fun clip. The footage was incomplete and jumped multiple times, but the performance was exuberant and it was complete fub to watch the band.
7. “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” from concert at The Bottom Line in New York, 1975. Like the opening clip this was absolutely magical. Seeing the performance, Bruce on the tables and just the absolute frenetic nature of the performance was astounding.

Corben, phil and Yvan72 have reacted to this post.

Hâte de découvrir ces images, peut on espérer une diffusion ou une sortie commerciale ?

Citation de Yvan72 le 30 septembre 2024, 8 h 53 min

Hâte de découvrir ces images, peut on espérer une diffusion ou une sortie commerciale ?

Pour l'instant, non. Par contre, il est possible que le centre d'archives de Monmouth diffuse d'une façon ou d'une autre ces images : expositions, archives consultables sur place. En tous cas, c'est la piste qui a été évoquée pendant cette soirée.

PS : à moins que les 50 ans de BTR et des shows au Botttom line ne soient célébrés l'été prochain.

Mais pour 2025, c'est un autre serpent de mer qui pourrait refaire surface.


« Born in the USA » de Bruce Springsteen : un malentendu ", sur Radio France.


La preuve que "sur un malentendu, ça peut marcher…"

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Un p'tite vidéo d'hier à NYC au Gala USC Shoah Fundation


phil a réagi à ce message.

Avec un peu de Gohst en rab


phil a réagi à ce message.

Un reportage assez sympa sur ABC le 20 octobre

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